Home Technology How Test Automation Helps to Tackle the Oracle Cloud Updates

How Test Automation Helps to Tackle the Oracle Cloud Updates


The release of new Oracle Cloud 22C update has definitely excited the customers but when it come to the QA teams, they are in a pressure of testing the entire software in a short period of time. The reason of testing is to make sure that the impact caused due to the new updates does not affects the existing business process or workflows of the enterprise software. The testing window for every oracle cloud update is only of two weeks. Its impossible to manually test the entire software in such short period. Hence test automation must e implemented to accelerate the testing process. In this blog, we will study how test automation can help to tackle the impacts caused by the Oracle Cloud 22C updates.

As we have understood the importance of test automation to tackle the oracle cloud updates, let’s now look at the benefits offered by it.

Accelerated Release Cycles: 

The continuous test automation tool helps to execute testing early and comprehensively. This helps to get the feedbacks at very early stage and the QA team can be decisive about releasing the product early or wait for further optimisation of the application. Continuos testing test automation tools also helps to validate the application at every stage and ensures that testing process does not moves ahead until early stage bugs are rectified. Also continuos testing 

Provides better ROI as all the bugs are rectified from the earlier stages, otherwise bug rectification at later stages causes greta time, effort and money. 

Improved Test Coverage: 

In traditional testing method, the QA teams build test cases by analysing the test scenerios build on the basis of how users interact with similar tools earlier. This lagged the info or data about the real time operational interaction of the users which can be provided by ai – powered test automation tools. These ai powerd tools can author the real time test cases based on the real time interactive data by the users to write test cases. Here test cases get prepared automatically with accelerated speed. This helps in improving the test coverage as well with the 10x speed of test execution. There is zero possibility of missing any test cases to execute when you are using a risk-based continuous testing platform testing your oracle cloud 22C updates. In case of any test gaps, a user session is recorded and new test libraries are added. 

Reduce the cost of defects:

Continuous testing supports continuous innovation. As continuous testing provides early and regular feedback, Continuous testing of Oracle Cloud updates will help in embracing the oracle cloud updates quickly. 

With the help of risk-based continuous testing, enterprises can prevent bugs in the production environment, which otherwise might affect the business continuity. 


Oracle cloud updates are complicated and have 200% chances of disrupting existing business process, system integrations, workflows etc. As discussed, test automation is the key to mitigate oracle cloud update risks and ensure business continuity. All you need to do is choose a reliable test automation tool like Opkey to deal with oracle cloud update challenges. Opkey provides assistance like Test discovery (autonomously logging of the processes & configurations of your existing EBS environment ),  Test Accelerator–built from a library of over 4,000 predefined Oracle test cases, end to end testing, and analytical reports which provide enhanced test visibility and communication. These are some of the major features provided by Opkey. 

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