Here’s How Employees Can Put the Company’s Data At Risk


    Undoubtedly, employees are the company’s biggest valuable asset. But, did you ever think that they could be your company’s biggest security nightmare as well? Well, everything is possible. More often than not, employees can engage in risky behaviors unwittingly, putting your company’s data at a huge risk. 

    As the pandemic forced several companies to send their employees to work from home, employers experienced major holes in their security defenses. Employees are the backbone of every business but if not supervised carefully, they can also put the company’s sensitive data at risk. For employee supervision, monitoring apps such as  iPhone spy or Android spy apps are highly recommended. 

    With iPhone spy and Android monitoring apps, you can keep a close eye on your employee’s activities and know how they are using the company’s resources during office hours. In this post, we are going to talk about different ways employees can put the company’s data at a huge risk. 

    Using Personal Email IDs at Work 

    Employees are often seen using their personal email IDs at work to exchange the company’s data. This happens when they find the company’s email server too slow or when they cannot send large files to others. 

    Your business can be more vulnerable to malware and other dangerous viruses if your employees are using personal email IDs for work. This is because they might not have installed any anti-virus program or app on their computer/mobile to protect their personal email accounts. Also, you won’t be able to monitor any work emails sent from your employee’s personal email address. 

    Using Personal Devices at Work 

    Many employees bring their personal devices such as laptops and smartphones to work without their employer’s knowledge and consent. It is highly risky to allow your employees to use their personal devices at work. If their personal devices are not secured by any anti-virus program or security software then it can become easier for cybercriminals to gain access to the company’s data. 

    Also, malware or some other dangerous virus is likely to be present in their personal device that can corrupt the company’s data. Last but not least, the company’s data can be at risk if your employees happen to lose that personal device. 

    Browsing the Internet on Office Computers

    It might seem harmless to let your employees browse the internet during lunchtime or breaks. However, it doesn’t mean it cannot put the company’s data in jeopardy. If your employee inadvertently opens a malicious website, their computers could easily be infected with malware or other dangerous viruses. Also, web browsing on the work computers can disrupt work productivity if the employees are working on a particular task that has to be completed on a deadline.

    Using Unauthorized Apps on Office Smartphones 

    There are several free apps available on the internet. Employees can be tempted to download and install those apps on their company-owned smartphones. Some free apps might be useful for employees but they can also pose dangers to company-owned devices. Therefore, when employees use unauthorized and risky apps on company-owned cellphones, they can put the company’s data at risk. 

    That is the reason why employers consider employee monitoring tools to keep a check on their employees’ activities. When they hand over a company-owned smartphone to their employee, they install a phone spy app on it so they can remotely keep an eye on their employee’s smartphone activities. 

    When a phone spy app is installed on the employee’s device, it records and logs all the activities taking place on it, and then the recorded data is transported to an online dashboard from where the employer can remotely monitor everything. 

    Final Words

    An employer can know what sort of emails, text messages, instant chats, and phone calls their employees are having with others. They can also find out what sites their employees are visiting, how many hours they are spending on a particular project, and whether or not they are using any unauthorized apps on the company’s smartphones/computers. 

    Employees certainly are a valuable asset for the company but if they are properly monitored and supervised, they can put the company’s data at a huge risk. Therefore, they need to be tracked to protect the company’s data from cyberattacks and data breaches. 

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