Home Technology 5 Steps to Boosting Your Website Security in 2021

5 Steps to Boosting Your Website Security in 2021


Running a successful website is hard work. Not only do you have to keep it continually updated with informative content and responsive design, but you also have to appeal to the likes of Google and Bing, so the site shows up high in relevant search results. 

Plus, this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many different elements that come with running a website, and many companies find they have become negligent about an essential component: security. 

Simply put, your website is always at risk. Research suggests that 30,000 websites are hacked on average each day. That’s right: not a year or even a month – each day. If your site is attacked by cybercriminals, they can cause significant damage and may even put you offline permanently. 

The good news is there are several preventative steps you can take to protect your web presence. Below are five steps to boosting your website security in 2021. 

1. Keep software up-to-date

This doesn’t just apply to the security software you are using, either. This is in reference to all of the software you use to run your website. If you’re using WordPress, make sure it is the most up-to-date version. Also, do the same for plugins. 

A lot of software updates are done to provide security improvements. This means if your software is outdated, holes in your security will be present, and these are easy prey for hackers on the hunt for vulnerable websites.

2. Utilize bot management 

To have bot management explained in a simple way, this is a process where you detect and handle hostile bot traffic. These bots, which can do everything from gather passwords to launch DDoS attacks, are becoming more and more sophisticated. As a result, it is essential you utilize specialist bot management software to keep your website protected from these constant – and dangerous – threats. 

3. Skip the shared hosting

Listen, there are various advantages to using shared hosting – the main one being the price. Yet you also have to consider that, when compared to other hosting plans, it is not the most secure. After all, you’re sharing a server with other sites. This means if a site on your server gets attacked, a hacker might infiltrate the entire server – and gain indirect access to your data. 

If you’re currently on a shared hosting plan, make the move to a more dependable option. 

4. Change your password regularly

Surely people know enough about the importance of strong passwords by now, right? Well, statistics suggest that isn’t the case, as 42% of companies suffered a breach in 2019 due to a bad password

As a result, always use a password with multiple characters, caps, and symbols. It’s also vital you update every password at least every six months. 

5. Always backup 

If the worst does happen and your website is compromised, all hope is not lost. At least, that is the case if you use backups. There are applications available, like BackupBuddy for WordPress, which can help with keeping a current backup of your site whenever needed. 

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