A remote business is one that’s run by a company but doesn’t conform to the traditional office environment. Remote work can be done from anywhere and usually just requires an internet connection, access to emails, company portals, and various other communication channels. Since remote businesses are growing rapidly, online security needs to grow, too.
One of the things about remote businesses that require a good level of security is file sharing. Nowadays, unsecured files can be hacked before, during, and after they’re being transferred, especially files that are shared via the internet. If files are shared with minimal means of security, they can be stolen, plagiarized, sold, forged, or may even get in the hands of fraudsters and identity stealers.
6 File Sharing Security Tips For Remote Businesses
Hence each and every file you share needs to be handled with as much security as possible. That being said, here are some file sharing security tips for remote businesses.
Use The Same File Sharing Platform
Working within a remote business space isn’t about being a jack of all trades and knowing how to interchange between multiple file sharing platforms. When people use file sharing platforms that other people are unfamiliar with, it opens confusion in the workspace, which leads to the loss of files.
Thus, in your remote business, settle on one file sharing platform and make sure everyone has mastered how to use it. Have intense training and information sessions about the file sharing platform and ensure that everyone has mastered all aspects via a quick test at the end of the training. Once you’re sure everyone is well informed on the file sharing platform, whether it be secure mail or any other platform, file sharing will be more seamless, faster, and, perhaps, more secure.
Have Permissions On Your Files
‘Only so and so has access to this file’ doesn’t only give you a subtle feeling of pride but is also a good indication of security. Permissions are restrictions on file viewing and editing for the purpose of only allowing specific people to access certain files. By setting up specific permissions, you can ensure that only the right people have access to certain files and that your file security is on point.
Permissions also allow you to control who sees your file within the business space. For example, if your file is a scan of your identity document, and the head of administration has requested it, you can adjust your permissions so access is only granted to the head of administration and not everyone in the business.
Have Offline Access To Some Files
If your file sharing platform is dependent on the internet, you might want to get into a rhythm of having offline access to files or downloading a copy that you can work on offline. Sometimes, you may want to work in a place that doesn’t have internet access, such as an airplane or other forms of public transport. In these cases, working on a file online will leave you typing copious amounts of work yet having none of it saved.
When you have an offline copy, you can actively work on it and store it safely in your files. Once you have an internet connection, you can either activate online access or transfer what you’ve written offline to your online document. Thereafter, you can share it with your business colleagues or a client.
Having offline access also allows you to have copies of valuable folders and documents in case any mishap occurs on your file sharing platform.
Frequently Review File Activity
Some file-sharing platforms allow you to see file activity on files that you have access to. It’s important to view who has accessed a file and what they’ve done so you’re sure that the right people are accessing the file at the right time. Beyond the security benefits, some people access files that they shouldn’t be accessed, hence work gets down incorrectly. Frequent reviews of file activity can allow you to assess whether the right person is making the right edits and comments.
Assessing file activity, on the surface level, allows you to keep track of the edits and comments that have been made. With these, you’re able to review your work and reflect on your mistakes so you don’t make them in the future. The safe and secure exchange of files and the frequent reviews of file activity are the perfect combinations for indicating a clear understanding of file sharing security for remote businesses.
Have Security Level Classifications
Some files require more security than others. Also, some files shouldn’t be mishandled, and are considered to be mildly essential in the workplace. This is why it’s important to classify the security level of your various files.
Security level classifications allow files to be reviewed and handled with great consideration. With tight control of file access and a clear indication of security level, people with access to these files will be especially careful with them.
Have Your Files Backed Up Automatically
File sharing platforms may be easy to use and be a subtle indication of the progression of technology, but there’s always room for files being lost. Hackers can invade file-sharing platforms, causing major issues, or people can delete files by mistake. However, if you have your files backed up, you would cry for a few seconds and then slowly come to the realization that you still have your files.
Automatic backups are more ideal because you can always ensure that your files are backed up and it’s not something you have to constantly keep up with. Most file-sharing platforms have their backup section as a whole different application, which is accessible on all devices and networks. In this case, if you lose a file for security reasons or your device breaks, you can still access your files on another device through the backup application.
Make Your File Sharing Secure
To ensure your files are secure and safe, there are systems that have been put in place by file-sharing platforms. It’s important that you actively make use of the systems and carry out your own security measures as well.
A smooth-running file-sharing system could be one of the tools needed to empower your remote business and make its running more efficient, secure, and productive.
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