Team meetings and especially online meetings are tricky interactions to have to lead. Sure, they are crucial for effective team collaboration and engagement but that comes after the meeting is done right in the first place. And the one thing that makes the difference between a productive meeting and an extra chore to attend is if: “it could’ve just been an email”. Because if it could just have been an email, major discontent is born.
To avoid such disappointments and respect everyone’s time, there is no doubt that there are ways one can ensure better agenda creation and prepare for meetings to maximize satisfaction. A meeting agenda is one in which all the activities the moderator hopes to accomplish through the meeting are laid down so that none is overlooked or forgotten. This helps have clear expectations and keep the meeting focussed on the real issues. Hence, creating an effective meeting agenda can be a great way to avoid unnecessary meetings.
5 Good Team Meeting Agenda
Here are some ways one can effectively write a good team meeting agenda:
1. Specify A Clear Objective
Having a clear objective in mind for the meeting is the first step to making an effective team meeting agenda because the next steps follow the objective itself. Ensure that the goal for the meeting is understood by the person who initiates it and that some preparation had been done. An overview of the meeting covering these objectives helps give substance to the meeting and ensures employee attention. The more these goals can be offered to the team, the easier it gets to achieve them. If every objective can be communicated and steps can be discussed towards achieving them, realistic results can be achieved.
2. Listing Tasks And Presenting Meeting Agendas As Questions
Making a list of possible agendas and required topics to discuss is a great strategized way to remember no goal is overlooked. And listing these agendas as actual questions rather than just some headline titles is a great way to ensure it is dealt with. Because writing a question specifies the issue, if any, and brings the employees’ attention to specifically answering those, rather than just reading a heading without context.
Questions help keep the meeting on track with relevant inputs too. This way employees and everyone involved can better prepare for the discussion and also know when a question was answered and the discussion fruitful.
3. Clarify Expectations And Identify Specific Leaders For Each
Before the meeting begins, after having made a list of agendas and understanding the various objectives, try to better clarify the meeting expectations for all the participants. Determine the goals for the task so that participants can also gather more understanding as to when to give feedback and when to make a decision.
Pick specific employees for individual tasks to lead them. This way the meeting can be more productive as more heads prepare for it and take responsibility. If one employee must gather facts or context for a specific topic, then delegate the responsibilities. This helps bring the participants into first-hand discussions and make them feel included in the discussions.
4. Estimate The Time To Spend On Each Objective
Estimating the time that may be required for each task helps bring clarity to the meeting and just the right amount of bounds to work in. Having endless discussions and inputs on one single objective and then having the whole meeting be about it is what leads to dissatisfaction. Being prepared and estimating a given time for all the topics that is enough for perfect discussion, debate or answers is a great way to have productive meetings rather than one long unproductive one.
Although, having a specific time for the agenda objectives is not to say that any discussion after the limit be shut down inadvertently.
5. Seek Participants Inputs
Having an agenda that reflects the needs and interests of the participants helps ensure active participation. Try to have objectives that are relevant to the whole team and affect all the members as meetings take valuable time and if it feels irrelevant to a participant’s interest, that’s how they get dissatisfied. The main focus should be put on interdependent issues and departments because that is what pertains to all the participants and keeps them engaged in the discussion and surely attend the meeting rather than skipping it.
Tools like Adobe Connect are a great way to ensure seamless web conferencing and interfaces so that meetings can run smoothly, especially when it is important to have necessary meetings when the team requires it. And when done right with an effective team meeting agenda, they help bring great satisfaction to the team.
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