How Operating Without a Truck Fleet Tracking System Can Be Detrimental


    Transportation companies that have a fleet of trucks need to monitor the movement of these vehicles so they can account for them at all times. The greater the number of trucks in the fleet, the harder it will be to manually keep track of them. A fleet of about 10 trucks can be monitored by a fleet manager that would be in constant communication with all truck drivers, but when this figure climbs to around 50, a truck fleet tracking system would be needed.

    Technology and the Internet of Things have allowed companies in the transportation sector to optimize their business processes so they can operate more conveniently. However, some companies are hesitant to this change, as they do not want to incur the initial cost of setting up the system and end up missing out on some key features and benefits.
    Here are the downsides of operating a truck fleet without such a system:

    Money Spent On Fuel Might Be Higher

    Without a proper tracking system, a transportation manager would have to trust the information obtained from the drivers about the fuel level in the truck while on the road. The driver might not be truthful and instead, use the opportunity to extort money. They could also be following longer routes to a destination, which burns more fuel, and without an adequate truck tracking system, it is almost impossible to find out in real-time. GPS truck trackers could help detect this, and give the opportunity to present shorter alternative routes, so the drivers can save fuel and money.

    Poor Estimate of Truck Arrival Time

    Running a goods delivery agency that has a large fleet of trucks without using a proper tracking system can result in incorrect delivery time estimates. This is because it would be difficult to track and relay real-time information about a driver’s exact location and the estimated time of arrival to its destination.

    Using truck fleet software would reduce the time it takes for the scheduling and reporting of driver activities since the process would be largely automated.

    Inability to Observe Driver Behavior in Real-time

    Some truck drivers might drive too fast, into restricted areas, or might not observe traffic laws if they are not being monitored. Such bad driving habits can cause accidents, and cost money to rectify. If the trucking company in question delivers goods, the managers would not know how efficient the drivers are in delivering items to customers since they cannot monitor them via GPS.


    The advancement of technology makes work more productive and it has also made it possible for fleet managers to seamlessly monitor their trucks. The usage of such systems is particularly useful when managing fleets of about 50 trucks because it is difficult to accurately keep track of the real-time activities of that number of vehicles.

    Neglecting the usage of truck fleet tracking systems can be costly because it denies fleet managers to observe how their drivers behave to know if they are operating efficiently. Not being able to determine the efficiency of operations will make one unable to optimize such operations and develop means to save the cost of fuel and other materials used to run the business.

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