Five Problems with Bulk Documents & Solutions


    Large organizations and small enterprises too may need to create bulk documents to meet the client’s needs and internal compliance demands. This however doesn’t come without challenges. Just think of any problems you may have dealing with a single document, and now multiply that by 100. If you have to deal with documents often, you probably have experienced some or all of these problems.

    1.Bulk Documents = Bulk Workload 

    The amount of work that needs to be put in when creating bulk documents can easily affect productivity. Sometimes your employees are drawn away from their regular duty to help in activities to create the document. This could include tasks like data entry, filing, and looking for particular data to be used in the documents. This can take hours and at times days depending on the kind of document being created. In the end, other tasks may get ignored because the person supposed to attend to that task is busy helping to create bulk documents.


    Document generation software can address this problem. Old documents can be converted into templates to extract relevant, static information that can be used to create the documents without the need for manual data entry. This quickly creates necessary documents without the need to involve other employees. Productivity can be improved and not just maintained.

    2. Storage Space

    Think of medical practice, if they have to create medical documents for every patient, in the end, all those documents need to be stored somewhere. The longer such an organization remains in operation, the more storage space they will need. This can become an expensive problem as more money has to be spent on storage cabinets and eventually there may be a need to expand the space or hire storage space.


    Digital storage would be the best solution. Instead of having several physical storage facilities, cloud storage could free up physical space while ensuring the documents are well stored. An entire cabinet can be stored virtually and access to the documents is much simpler since a person doesn’t have to go to a store to retrieve a document. This makes storage cheaper as well.

    3. Searching for Documents 

    Here is another thief of productivity, searching for a document within the storage area can get frustrating and take up a lot of time. According to research, employees spend 1.8 hours every day searching for documents. Think of the accumulated hours spent every year searching for documents. With paper documents, if they are not stored systematically, or there is no record of who has what document, the search can be even longer. Creating mass documents presents a challenge in managing what has been created.


    Besides, automating the process of creating documents you can avail document management software to organize them. This is an efficient solution since every document will be stored according to set guidelines so that searching for files is a matter of typing the name or a related term. Automated systems employ document indexing to quickly run through several files and provide a result in seconds. This can save several hours that users spend searching for important documents.

    4. Tracking Documents 

    Bulk documents can end up in the hands of so many people and not all of them may be authorized to access those documents. It is hard to keep track of the documents and who accesses them. With bulk paper documents, security usually depends on lock and key which is not exactly a guarantee that no one can gain physical access to the documents. No system can show that a particular document has been accessed by a particular person. This can present several complications in managing these documents.


     Document indexing is a sure way to keep tabs on all the documents even if you have to deal with thousands or millions of documents. The system has information about every document including where it is stored and who has access to the document. It is easy to know where a digital document is and at what time it was accessed or who was included in the list of recipients.

    5. Sharing

    The process of getting bulk documents to the different recipients can be a problem. Consider the amount of time it would take to hand-deliver numerous copies of the same document to different people. This process also exposes the documents to breach of privacy depending on the way they are shared. Some documents can get lost in the process of transit.


     Access can be granted to different recipients so that they can access the documents wherever they are, as long as they have the authorizing credentials. Documents can be shared immediately and it reduces the risk of information being accessed by unauthorized persons. 

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