Email marketing has managed to retain its position as one of the most effective marketing methods with an estimated revenue of more than 10 billion dollars in 2023. 

However, any successful email marketing campaign requires genuine, high-quality email addresses. That’s where email validation comes into play.

Email validation can help verify whether email addresses provided by prospective customers are authentic. It offers several benefits, such as helping save time and effort in maintaining a reliable email list, protecting a business from being blacklisted by its ISP, and reducing bounce rates. 

This guide looks at how email validation can help reduce bounce rates and enhance the effectiveness of an email marketing campaign.

Understanding What Is Email Bounce And Why Does It Happen?

An email bounce occurs when an email fails to get delivered to the email address it is sent to. When that happens, it returns or ‘bounces’ back to the sender. Bounces can occur due to various reasons, such as fake addresses, server outages, inactive mailboxes, etc. 

Emails are sent either via an email service provider or a personal SMTP server, and both have to follow SMTP commands. 

SMTP, or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, is the standard communication protocol used for electronic mail. There are multiple verification phases an email has to pass through before it is delivered to the recipient’s email address. 

The SMTP commands determine whether the mail gets accepted or rejected by the recipient’s server. This can happen if the domain of the recipient’s email does not exist or the address may be typed incorrectly, among other reasons. 

How Email Validation Can Help Reduce Bounce Rates 

Email validation services can help reduce bounce rates in the following ways:

Verifying Email Addresses

An email validation check can determine whether an email address is valid. The check includes checking the formatting, locating the domain, and searching for an active domain. If there are issues with these aspects, email validation can help identify them, helping reduce bounces.

Eliminating Hard Bounces

An email bounce can be a soft bounce or a hard bounce. A soft bounce is when the email fails to reach the recipient’s email address temporarily, while a hard bounce means a permanent delivery failure. 

The latter usually happens due to a non-existent or invalid email address. Email validation can help remove such addresses from your email list, ensuring hard bounces are eliminated. 

Detecting Misspelled Addresses And Typos

Email validation services can detect spelling errors and typos in email addresses. Common errors include misplaced symbols, transposed letters, missing characters, etc. By detecting these errors before the mail is sent, email validation can help reduce bounce rates effectively. 

Filtering Known Bounce Domains

Services used for email validation usually have a database of disposable email providers and known bounce domains. They can check email addresses against these domains to identify and remove invalid ones from the email list, resulting in lower bounce rates. 

Regular List Cleansing

Email validation services can be scheduled to run regularly to perform email list cleansing, keeping it accurate and up to date. This can help reduce bounce rates since email addresses tend to become inactive or outdated over time. Regular cleansing helps remove such email addresses from the list and reduces bounce rates. 

Manual Validation Vs. Email Validation Services

If you’re wondering how to undertake email validation to reduce bounce rates, two approaches are available. The first involves validating emails manually by sending a confirmation mail to the email addresses and waiting for a response or checking the syntax and domain. But this can be quite time-consuming and requires a lot of effort.  That’s why businesses generally rely on email validation services.

These come with powerful features like automated filtering and cleaning that can help reduce effort and save time while ensuring lower bounce rates. 

Final Thoughts

High bounce rates can be highly detrimental to any business, especially one that relies heavily on email marketing. 

Furthermore, they can harm the sender’s reputation and may even cause them to be blacklisted by the Internet Service Provider (ISP). That’s why an email validation service is extremely useful for such businesses.

Reducing bounce rates is one of the biggest benefits that such services have to offer. By utilizing email verification services, a business can ensure that its marketing emails reach the target audience timely, enhancing the effectiveness of its email marketing efforts.

They can also reduce the effort required to maintain a clean and updated email list and protect the reputation of the business.   

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