The potential to make money on the internet is definitely there. Quite a few people have turned their lives around after they have started working online. And you could also become one of those people, provided that you are willing to learn and work hard toward reaching the goal.
Of course, there are quite a few methods out there, so picking one is not always easy. Different people have different preferences. However, it is worth mentioning that the method itself is not that important, especially for newcomers. You will need experience more than anything else. It is all about actually starting.
7 Ways to Make Money on the Internet
If the first idea does not work out the way you thought it would do not fret over it too much, just move on to the next one. It will be easier because you will have some knowledge.
Method #1 – Open an Online Store
Ecommerce continues to reach great numbers, and its growth is unlikely to spot in the near future. Statista expects that the global eCommerce industry will be worth about 5 trillion dollars by the end of 2022.
You might think that there is no more room for newcomers. But there are. New products are introduced all the time, and you could be one of the first to sell them.
Starting a print on demand store with the help of Printify could also be an option. Customer merchandise, like t-shirts or mugs, is quite popular as gifts for various occasions or just as a novelty item.
Method #2 – Become a Virtual Assistant
Starting your internet work career as a virtual assistant would be a good choice. The work itself is relatively simple, but it can still function as a perfect stepping stone where you get some experience and connections. And these two matter a lot when you are going to look for new opportunities in the future. A reference from someone who has given you work before and trusts you can go a long way.
Method #3 – Look for Freelancing Gigs
Freelancing sites like Fiverr and UpWork offer more than enough opportunities to find work. The biggest obstacle will be finding your first gig. You will go up against the competition, and most employers are not keen on hiring freelancers who do not have feedback on their profile.
Look to start with the simplest tasks and bid the lowest possible amount. The goal is to get some feedback first and gain trust from people on the platform. Once there, you can look to attempt to get better jobs with better payment.
Method #4 – Work in Customer Support
Customer support reps are in demand these days because so many businesses are shifting towards online. The pandemic also made an impact.
Working in a customer support department does not have to be a full-time gig. Maybe you can fill in some hours for a business if you are in a particular timezone. After all, there should be someone who responds 24/7, and you could be working in what is known as a graveyard shift.
Method #5 – Start Affiliate Marketing Venture
Starting an affiliate marketing website is relatively simple. You need to research the market and find a product that would sell. Trying to compete against others in an oversaturated niche is not recommended.
The website does not have to be too complicated. A simple design will do just fine. The most important thing is making sure that it has a good loading speed.
As for the content itself, write articles and include links where necessary. Advertise on multiple channels, such as social media. And focus on search engine optimization a lot. After all, organic traffic is worth quite a lot.
Method #6 – Write a Blog
Blogging can be a fun hobby at first, but it can turn into a great money-making method after a while. You will not be able to monetize the blog without an audience, so do not worry about that at first. Instead, focus on the content and remain consistent. Advertise the blog on as many different channels as you can.
Once you have a decent reader base, you can look to start with monetization. There are ad networks, digital product promotion, opportunities for other bloggers to guest-post for money, and even crowdfunding.
Method #7 – Learn to Edit Videos
Even medium-sized channels on YouTube have dedicated video editors. It is simply more efficient to have one these days.
And YouTube is not the only platform where video editors can find work. Social media is also shifting more toward video content, most notably Instagram and Facebook. The skill is useful to have in general, so if you are thinking about learning something, video editing is definitely one of the best options out of everything that is available at the moment.