5 Steps to Prepare for Standardized Testing


    Standardized tests are quite common in the classroom. Depending on your child’s grade level, they may take one or more of these tests within a school year. For most of the country, including New York, the standardized testing season starts off around March.

    Indeed, teachers may dedicate some class time to test preparation for these high-stakes assessments throughout the year. While this is certainly great, parents and guardians can also play a great role in test prep and impact student success.

    To put it another way, you can actively help your child prepare for standardized testing in the following five easy steps.

    1. Know More About the Test

    The first thing you want to do to help you prepare for standardized testing is to know everything there is about the test you or your child will be taking. Different tests have their own unique structure. This covers the specific test instructions, the number of questions, and the test-taking time. Certainly, these standardized tests have their own websites, and you can get on there to get some insights on what to expect come test day. You will also find a compilation of practice tests on the websites.

    In addition to the test structure, you should know the purpose of the test and the impact of the test results, if any, on the student, and the teacher, be it middle school or high school. Also, be sure you know the exact schedule of the test. Find out about these specifics from your child’s teacher. Schools with digital signage will display this and other relevant information on their student communication boards.

    2. Put in Plenty of Practice

    Practice may not make it perfect, but it comes close enough as you prepare for standardized testing. You can easily find free practice exams online for the different standardized tests. 

    There are many advantages to these practice tests. For example, if the test is administered online, some practice will be great as the students will be familiar with navigating the platform. In this case, the students can avoid wasting time trying to click between the multiple-choice questions.

    Again, these practice tests help build confidence, and being familiar with the format can help with test anxiety on the day of the test. Also, these practice tests will help you identify which areas you need to invest more time in for improvement.

    3. Individualize Study

    Even before you start studying as you prepare for standardized testing, identify what type of a learner you are and your unique learning abilities. The first thing to remember is that different students will study quite differently.

    For this reason, if you are a visual learner, then, by all means, take notes and draw diagrams to reinforce retention when learning. Therefore, learning apps and flashcards would be great tools for visual learners. On the other hand, auditory learners will benefit greatly from one-on-one sessions with an engaging tutor or recordings of the lessons. Test takers should identify their style of learning and find ways to make it work to avoid last-minute cramming.

    4. Get Some Help

    If you or your child is having some trouble with preparing for the standardized test, then, by all means, get a tutor to help you. Engaging a tutor can be especially helpful for students who don’t do so well with studying independently. 

    With this in mind, you want to ensure you don’t wait to bring in a tutor too late in the game. Instead of doing it in the weeks leading up to the test, hire your tutor months before the big test.

    5. Have the Body and Mind Ready for Test Day

    Getting a good night’s sleep the night before the test, and having a healthy breakfast on the day of the test, will ensure the body has enough fuel to get through the day. In fact, some high school students have a high metabolism, and you will want to ensure you serve a good breakfast for them on the day of the test.

    As a parent, be supportive and reassure your child that you believe in them. In itself, this reassurance can inspire so much confidence in the student. Additionally, you will want to go through some relaxation techniques which the student can try out to reel in the anxiety and avoid feeling overwhelmed while taking the quizzes.

    Wrap Up

    The test scores of standardized tests are used in several ways. In some states, student success on these tests determines whether the student will stay back or move to the next grade. In a word, the stakes are rather high, which can put so much stress and anxiety on the student. Being adequately prepared with these simple tips can help ease this anxiety and ensure you get a good score.

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