What is Cryptocurrency?
A cryptocurrency is a digital or simulated currency that is protected by cryptography, making counterfeiting or double-spending nearly impossible. Many cryptocurrencies are decentralized networks built on blockchain technology, which is a global database implemented through a network of computers. Cryptocurrencies are distinguished by the fact that they are simply not distributed by any central body, making them technically immune to political intervention or coercion Bitqt.
Criticism of Cryptocurrency
Since cryptocurrency market rates are determined by supply and demand, the pace with which a cryptocurrency can be traded for another currency can fluctuate greatly, as the nature of several cryptocurrencies implies a high degree of scarcity.
Bitcoin’s worth has fluctuated dramatically, reaching as much as $19,000 a Bitcoin in December of 2017 before plummeting to about $7,000 in the months that followed.2
Any economists believe that cryptocurrencies are a passing fad or speculative bubble.
There is fear that cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin are not based on tangible goods. According to some studies, the expense of manufacturing a Bitcoin, which needs a growing amount of electricity, is closely connected to its stock price.
While cryptocurrency blockchains are highly stable, other elements of a cryptocurrency ecosystem, such as exchanges and wallets, are vulnerable to hacking. Several internet exchanges have been hacked and robbed in Bitcoin’s 10-year history, with millions of dollars in “coins” stolen in some cases.
Brief Background on Cryptocurrencies
Bitcoin and the other digital currency under consideration here are decentralized schemes, which means there is no centralized authority. Cryptography is used to monitor transfers, maximize availability, and deter fraud. As a result, they are sometimes referred to as cryptocurrencies. Once confirmed, all transactions are digitally encrypted and registered in a ‘blockchain,’ which can be compared to an accounting system.
The network nodes verify payments. Efficient, costly computers are often needed for the operation, as in the case of Bitcoin. The Bitcoin algorithm acts as an efficient defense against money ‘counterfeiting.’
The environment, on the other hand, is vulnerable to fraud. Users store the keys to their Bitcoins in wallets and use them to make purchases. Exchanges enable the exchange of Bitcoins for fiat currencies and also allow for the storage of Bitcoins. Bitcoins can be robbed by using wallets or exchanges. Until now, exchanges have been more often attacked than wallets. Often wallets are installed on users’ phones, while exchanges are, by definition, online.
Market analysis and perspectives
Cryptocurrencies continue to pique the interest of developers, funders, regulators, and members of the general public. Much recent public debate about cryptocurrencies has been sparked by significant price swings, arguments that the demand for cryptocurrencies is a bubble of little underlying meaning, and questions regarding regulatory and legal avoidance. These issues have prompted calls for stricter oversight, if not outright prohibition. Further debates include, among other things, whether cryptocurrencies should be classified as commodities, money, or anything else; and the future growth of cryptocurrency.
These debates often produce more heat than light. There is currently little well-established scientific information about cryptocurrency markets and their effect on societies, industries, and citizens. This special edition of the Journal of Industrial and Business Economics seeks to help fill the void. The special issue’s series of papers presents six distinct insights on cryptocurrencies, published from both conventional and behavioral perspectives and discussing both financial concerns and wider aspects of cryptocurrencies’ connection to socioeconomic growth and sustainability.
The term cryptocurrency, as well as other terminology such as ‘coins’ and ‘wallets’ in the original whitepaper proposing the supporting technology for Bitcoin (Nakamoto 2008), all suggest that the original developers consciously attempted to develop a digital transfer mechanism that corresponded to direct transfer of physical cash used for payments or other financial assets such as precious metals and cryptocurrencies.
Technical trading rules in the cryptocurrency market
Several studies on business performances have been conducted on cryptocurrency markets. A new body of literature contends that cryptocurrency markets are ineffective. In this regard, Al-Yahyaee et al. (2018), who equates the business performance of Bitcoin to gold, stock, and currency markets, discover that Bitcoin is more inefficient than such markets. Kristoufek (2018) investigates the USD and Chinese Yuan Bitcoin market returns between 2010 and 2017 and discovers that Bitcoin returns in both markets are inefficient during the study era.
Urquhart (2016), for example, uses a sample-split test to prove that Bitcoin returns are effective in the latter subsample, showing that Bitcoin is on the way to being an efficient business. Khuntia and Pattanayak (2018) results affirm Urquhart’s (2016) outcome for the later subsample in presenting proof of Bitcoin returns showing price efficiency over time, implying that the evidence supports the adaptive market hypothesis.
Behavioral structure of users in the cryptocurrency market
The first aim of our research is to create a technique that will enable us to extract the style of the strategy used by cryptocurrency users from blockchain data. Following that, we investigate the behavioral framework of cryptocurrency consumers and identify the various methods that occur in the actual market. We want to learn about the behavioral makeup of these users in the two most common cryptocurrency schemes on the market: bitcoin and ethereum.
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