10 Actionable Ways to Reduce Printing Costs in Your Office


    Every small and medium-sized company in the province of Ontario is looking for new methods to boost their profitability while simultaneously decreasing their operating expenses. Did you know that reducing the amount of paper and printing that your office does can help you achieve this goal?

    When printing papers, it’s easy for office workers to take printers for granted because they’re so commonplace. There is a strong probability that your print volumes and expenses are out of control if your office does not have a printing policy in place to guide its staff, and this policy should be implemented as soon as possible.

    Your company probably spends a lot of money on printing that it doesn’t need to, which is why it’s a relief to learn that by making a few changes to the way your business prints, you can dramatically cut those expenses and save money.

    1. Print Double-sided When Possible

    According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the typical office worker in the United States produces more than 10,000 sheets of paper each and every single year. It is quite improbable that all of those pieces of paper will be used to send to clients or for any other professional capacity because that is such a large number of papers.

    Why not urge your team to print papers that will be utilized individually by employees or internally inside your business by printing using the double-sided option on their Konica Minolta NZ. This will save paper and help save time. If your business prints on both sides of the paper, you may save the total amount of paper used in printing by an incredible fifty percent.

    You will continue to use the same amount of ink, and we all know that the true cost of printing is the ink, but avoiding wasting money on paper is an excellent place to start saving money.

    2. Buy Or Rent The Right Printer For Your Specific Requirements

    Which kind of printer is the most economical choice for use in an office setting? Should I purchase or lease the printer that we use at my organization? Should I seek a certain brand or model in particular? It is not as simple as it may sound to select a printer for your company, and you should prepare yourself for a variety of questions before making a final choice.

    Consider how frequently you will use your printer, the kind of printing you will need, and the continuous cost that will be incurred by your company before settling on a printer. These are the factors that should guide your selection. Also, give great consideration to whether you want to use a laser or an inkjet printer. Although they are less expensive than laser toner, ink cartridges have a shorter lifespan.

    Please read the following blogs for further guidance on selecting the most appropriate printer for your company’s requirements and determining whether to buy or rent a printer:

     3. Always Use Print Preview Before Printing

    According to the findings of a study conducted by Statistics Brain in 2016 and headlined ‘How Much Paper is Used in One Day?’ paper accounts for seventy percent of the total waste that is generated in offices, and as many as thirty percent of all print jobs are never even collected from the printer.

    Even worse, at the end of the day, 45 percent of the printed paper that was produced would have been thrown away. This indicates that businesses are throwing away a significant amount of money by printing papers that they do not end up using.

    Encourage your staff members to pick “print preview” before to printing their documents so that you may cut down on the amount of money spent on printing. This gives them the ability to inspect precisely which pages they are printing, what is contained on each page, and determine whether or not they truly require those pages. Your company will be able to save money by reducing the number of costly printing mistakes and printing that is not necessary if you instruct your staff to “think before they print.”

    4. Use Digital Forms Where Possible

    The majority of the documents that you print for your customers are unnecessary, in the same way, that the majority of the documents that you produce for your employees are unnecessary. In order for your company to cut down on its printing expenditures, you might have to move away from doing business with your customers through the use of paper.

    Instead of doing things the traditional way, why not build some innovative processes in which your personnel handle customer documentation online rather than physically? The use of digital document signing platforms, such as DocuSign, will not only help you cut down on printing costs, but it will also provide your customers with a significantly simpler and more effective way to receive documents from your organization, sign them, and then return them to you for processing.

    5. Partner With An Expert To Ensure You Aren’t Paying More Than You Should For Colour Printing 

    Every small and medium-sized company in the province of Ontario is looking for new methods to boost their profitability while simultaneously decreasing their operating expenses. Did you know that reducing the amount of paper and printing that your office does can help you achieve this goal?

    When printing papers, it’s easy for office workers to take printers for granted because they’re so commonplace. There is a strong probability that your print volumes and expenses are out of control if your office does not have a printing policy in place to guide its staff, and this policy should be implemented as soon as possible.

    Your company probably spends a lot of money on printing that it doesn’t need to, which is why it’s a relief to learn that by making a few changes to the way your business prints, you can dramatically cut those expenses and save money.

    6. Print In Black And White As Much As Possible 

    According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the typical office worker in the United States produces more than 10,000 sheets of paper each and every single year. It is quite improbable that all of those pieces of paper will be used to send to clients or for any other professional capacity because that is such a large number of papers.

    Why not urge your team to print papers that will be utilized individually by employees or internally inside your business by printing using the double-sided option on their printers? This will save paper and help save time. If your business prints on both sides of the paper, you may save the total amount of paper used in printing by an incredible fifty percent.

    You will continue to use the same amount of ink, and we all know that the true cost of printing is the ink, but avoiding wasting money on paper is an excellent place to start saving money.

    7. Proofread Your Documents Before You Print

    Which kind of printer is the most economical choice for use in an office setting? Should I purchase or lease the printer that we use at my organization? Should I seek a certain brand or model in particular? It is not as simple as it may sound to select a printer for your company, and you should prepare yourself for a variety of questions before making a final choice.

    Consider how frequently you will use your printer, the kind of printing you will need, and the continuous cost that will be incurred by your company before settling on a printer. These are the factors that should guide your selection. Also, give great consideration to whether you want to use a laser or an inkjet printer. Although they are less expensive than laser toner, ink cartridges have a shorter lifespan.

    Please read the following blogs for further guidance on selecting the most appropriate printer for your company’s requirements and determining whether to buy or rent a printer:

    8. Print Two Pages On One Sheet Of Paper

    According to the findings of a study conducted by Statistics Brain in 2016 and headlined ‘How Much Paper is Used in One Day?’ paper accounts for seventy percent of the total waste that is generated in offices, and as many as thirty percent of all print jobs are never even collected from the printer.

    Even worse, at the end of the day, 45 percent of the printed paper that was produced would have been thrown away. This indicates that businesses are throwing away a significant amount of money by printing papers that they do not end up using.

    Encourage your staff members to pick “print preview” before to printing their documents so that you may cut down on the amount of money spent on printing. This gives them the ability to inspect precisely which pages they are printing, what is contained on each page, and determine whether or not they truly require those pages. Your company will be able to save money by reducing the number of costly printing mistakes and printing that is not necessary if you instruct your staff to “think before they print.”

    9. Scan Where Possible

    The majority of the documents that you print for your customers are unnecessary, in the same way, that the majority of the documents that you produce for your employees are unnecessary. In order for your company to cut down on its printing expenditures, you might have to move away from doing business with your customers through the use of paper.

    Instead of doing things the traditional way, why not build some innovative processes in which your personnel handle customer documentation online rather than physically? The use of digital document signing platforms, such as DocuSign, will not only help you cut down on printing costs, but it will also provide your customers with a significantly simpler and more effective way to receive documents from your organization, sign them, and then return them to you for processing.

    10. Use Economical Fonts

    Even though it can seem like a trivial matter, the amount of ink that your company utilizes is not significantly affected by this issue. There are a number of typefaces that require additional ink to print, which results in an increase in the price of the printing services you obtain. In point of fact, Arial consumes more ink than other fonts, despite the fact that it is the option that is selected automatically for the majority of papers.

    Choose more cost-effective typefaces such as New Roman, Ecofont, or Century Gothic when printing documents in order to save money on ink and other company expenses.

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