How Does Technology Improve Safety? 9 Examples


    We all want to feel safe and secure in the public. Unfortunately, threats are all around us. People bring guns to public places. Homes are burglarized. Information is breached online. Hazardous situations at work risk lives.

    The good news is that technology is advancing so quickly that we now have innovative tools and solutions that improve safety and security. Keep reading for examples of technologies that enhance safety in different industries and situations.

    Weapons Detection Technology

    Next-generation school security solutions use artificial intelligence (AI), imaging technology, and sensors to quickly and accurately detect threats in public areas, like arenas, schools, airports, and healthcare centres.

    The walkthrough metal detectors of the past were clunky and outdated. They provide a poor experience for venue guests. However, today’s weapons detection technology can secure these venues without long lines, metal detectors, or invasive pat-downs. Video recognition, gateway patron screening, and real-time analytics capabilities come together to remove manual security monitoring.

    Surveillance Systems

    Surveillance technology has grown over the past few years. When surveillance footage used to be grainy and almost unrecognizable, today’s high-resolution cameras and advanced analytics deter and record crimes better.

    Technological advancements include night vision, 5G-enabled cameras, audio transmission, thermal imaging, and seamless integration into IT infrastructure.

    Biometric Authentication

    If you use fingerprint or facial recognition to unlock your phone, you’ve used biometric authentication to secure your private data. While these forms of authentication are quick and convenient, they also offer greater security than traditional passwords to reduce unauthorized access. Iris and voice recognition are other forms of biometric authentication.

    Beyond smartphones, biometric authentication is also used to increase security and data protection in healthcare, the travel industry, and law enforcement.

    Emergency Response Technology

    One of the most significant ways technology improves safety and security is during an emergency. Technological advances include emergency notification systems, emergency response drones, and rescue robots.

    Consider an earthquake scenario. In this case, an emergency notification system that alerts citizens to the threat of a natural disaster ahead of time can mean the difference between life and death. A few hours or even minutes can help them take shelter and take the necessary precautions to stay safe and alive.

    Once an earthquake hits, emergency response drone technology can keep first responders safe. They can deploy a drone to assess the risks and make more informed decisions before entering a potentially life-threatening situation.

    If citizens are buried under rubble after the earthquake, rescue robots can be deployed to access hard-to-reach and dangerous areas that have cost first responders their lives in the past.

    There is no doubt that these emergency response technologies save lives.

    Internet of Things

    The Internet of Things consists of a network of devices connected to the Internet to exchange information. For obvious reasons, the Internet of Things (IoT) is an area of technology that is now deeply intertwined with health, safety, and security – and this connection is only growing as IoT technology advances.

    The possibilities are endless, especially regarding real-time monitoring, threat detection, and rapid responses that can save lives: Wearable health monitors can track vital signs and send real-time alerts when unusual signals are detected. Smart home security systems enable real-time responses to security threats. These are just a few examples.

    Environmental Monitoring Technology

    How do you know if it’s unsafe to walk outside during wildfire season? How do you know if drinking tap water is safe? Governments often employ environmental monitoring systems, which use technology to continuously assess and monitor the environment for changes that can put people at risk.

    Advanced AR and VR Training Technology

    From practicing complex surgery to flying an airplane in dangerous conditions, technology can help people in high-risk professions practice in controlled situations to make fewer mistakes when the real situation occurs.

    Advances in augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are incredible, and multiple industries now use this technology to simulate near-real environments for training purposes.

    Blockchain Technology

    Blockchain technology has rocked the data security world. This groundbreaking tech uses a distributed ledger system instead of a traditional central authority or intermediary to store data online.

    Blockchain technology keeps digital information like personal data, contracts, and certifications safe by enhancing security, accountability, and transparency.

    Autonomous Vehicles

    While self-driving cars are still in their infancy, they present a tremendous opportunity for the future. After all, an autonomous vehicle will never drive distracted or impaired. Autonomous vehicles never fall asleep at the wheel.

    However, as they become more common, society will demand that they be equipped with advanced safety and security features. This will ensure their safe operation on the roads. These features include biometric authentication and real-time threat detection sensors to prevent unauthorized access.

    Smart City Infrastructure

    Integrating technology into city life can make urban spaces safer and more efficient. Smart cities use devices, sensors, and data analysis networks to monitor traffic, energy use, and public security. This connected system allows faster reactions to emergencies and smoother traffic control, making cities more secure.

    Cybersecurity Measures

    As we depend more on digital spaces, strong cybersecurity is crucial to defend against threats online. Nowadays, a growing number of cyber-attacks pose risks to individuals, companies, and governments. Machine learning, behaviour analysis, and encryption are critical to protecting sensitive data and stopping unauthorized access.

    Health and Safety Wearables

    Tech-infused wearable devices are changing health and safety for the better. These devices track health stats in real-time to keep people safe. In tough industries like construction or manufacturing, wearing smart helmets or vests watches over workers’ vitals and surroundings increases on-the-job safety. 

    Best of all, these wearables are not just for spotting health hazards. They also help with quick responses in emergencies.

    Public Transportation Security

    Keeping commuters safe on public transport is essential. Public transport security now includes cameras, controlled entry systems, and biometric checks like facial recognition to spot potential dangers early on. Constantly watching over transit systems helps catch safety issues quicker for faster action in emergencies.

    Smart Building Solutions

    With new technology come smarter buildings that focus on safety. Buildings with IoT devices and intelligent sensors create a network that controls everything smoothly, from door access to emergency responses. This network works together to ensure people feel secure in their homes, offices, or public venues.

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