Capterra found that 91% of SMB CEOs rated HR technology as “essential” to their company’s success, although only 57% were actually implementing such solutions. The best human resources software does more than just automate mundane chores associated with workforce management; also provides useful insights that may inform strategic choices. Nonetheless, if your organization is employing a number of different systems that don’t communicate properly with one another and function independently, it may be challenging to reap these benefits.
Make the most of your human resources (HR) technology by using integrated workforce management software. By consolidating previously separate processes like application tracking, time and attendance, and payroll, you can now have all of your vital workforce data in one place.
Consider these ten advantages of having a centralized system:
Less Paperwork
Rather than creating additional paper files, a unified workforce management system can automate more of your HR activities, from recruitment to offboarding. Moreover, by moving HR operations to the cloud and eliminating the need for paper papers, you can do crucial HR tasks from any location and provide remote workers with enhanced access to policies and useful forms.
Less Duplication and Manual Entry
After creating a profile for each employee in your unified system, you may make updates without having to make the same changes in several places. If you’re hiring new staff, your unified software solution can do the heavy lifting of keeping track of resumes and candidate emails. You don’t have to re-enter data like contact info and demographics for each new recruit if you keep their profiles intact.
Consolidated Reporting
When it comes to your workforce data, having it spread across several platforms limits the information you can gather together for reports. When you have all of your workforce data in one place, you can create a more complete picture of each employee by compiling data like salary, performance, department, manager, and training enrollment into a single, digestible report. These improved reporting capabilities not only allow you to offer managers the information they require about their teams but also give you access to additional data to help better decision-making.
More Consistent Updates
When an employee joins or leaves your company, or if they modify their benefit choices, you only need to make the change once in a unified software system as opposed to in numerous payroll and HR databases. This not only helps you save time and avoid making mistakes, but it also gives you peace of mind that no two employees’ records in your system or reports include incompatible data.
Better Communication Between HR and Payroll Functions
It is usual practice for human resources to inform payroll of new hires or other changes that may have an impact on an employee’s salary or to make these updates themselves in a payroll system. Having HR and payroll information in one central location is only one of the many time-saving benefits of unified workforce management software. Everyone can see the same data, so there’s less chance of confusion or misinterpretation.
Improved Compliance
It is more difficult to compile data for compliance purposes when your payroll, benefits, and other HR services systems do not interact efficiently with one another. To give one concrete example, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) mandates that businesses publish data on the percentage of their workforce that is considered full-time and the total number of workers who are offered health insurance by the company. The ability to access all relevant data in a single location is a key benefit of unified systems, as it facilitates the timely production of reliable reports and adherence to regulatory standards.
A Better Employee Experience
In a poll conducted by 2020 Future Workplace, HR directors and managers ranked employee satisfaction as their top priority for the coming year. By centralizing formerly siloed functions like payroll and benefits administration, unified workforce management software helps improve the employee experience. When an employee has a question about their income or time off, or if they need a copy of a document, they may use the self-service function of the unified platform to get the answer on their own, without having to contact HR.
Fewer Errors
Errors are irritating and distracting for everyone involved, therefore it’s helpful to have a unified system where all of the different components of the employee experience are controlled in one system. The number of mistakes, such as wrong paychecks, and W-2s, may be reduced by integrating payroll, time and attendance, and benefits data into a single platform.
More Insights into Your Workforce
You can learn more about your workforce and identify high-returning programs and activities if you have access to more data and maintain consistent reporting. Thanks to unified workforce reporting and sophisticated dashboards, you can:
Understand trends in areas such as hiring and turnover
Measure spending on payroll, benefits, and training
Track the success of workforce programs over time
An Elevated Reputation for HR
Human resources and payroll systems that aren’t integrated with one another might make it more challenging to offer timely, meaningful data to company management. Furthermore, it might cause awkward blunders. On the other hand, you may go above and beyond employee expectations and gain a favorable reputation for accuracy and efficiency if you have a dependable and unified system for all parts of workforce management (and not just a few).
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