The world of digital interaction is beautifully diverse, and it allows for all sorts of business, all sorts of content, and all sorts of socialization that makes the world feel bigger and more connected than ever. However, with the growth of the business, social media, and of content platforms, comes the growing set of opportunities that a cybercriminal will have to attack you and your network. Whether it’s a traditional virus or a new, fileless malware, there’s a lot that you have to look out for.
Having a tool to help you with that is one way to mitigate these risks. That’s where an endpoint protection platform comes in handy. For some users, though, there’s a legitimate question: what other reasons do I have to get endpoint protection? The security benefits are, of course, paramount, but between endpoint protection and other such solutions, it needs to be clear why one would choose this over the alternatives. Read on to learn seven reasons why you definitely need endpoint protection.
Modern Defenses Against Cyber Attacks
Cybercriminals are learning. Just like those that defend us from cyber attacks, the programs that execute these attacks are getting more and more sophisticated over the years, and you need to be sure that the protection you choose is equipped to handle this. Thankfully, EPPs (endpoint protection platforms) are one powerful tool more than capable of handling these new threats. EPPs are able to detect and respond to even malicious software that doesn’t have file signatures, making it easier than ever to keep even today’s cybercriminals at bay.
Enterprise-Level Visibility Of Activities
While it’s important to have defenses in place against threats, a lot of the time it’s just as important to be aware of where threats might be present. That’s what visibility is: it’s the scope with which a cybersecurity tool is able to identify and map out a network and the activities occurring on it. This, of course, includes suspicious user behaviors, unexpected trends in performance, and so on, all of which can indicate a breach or worse. With endpoint protection in use, you can have the visibility necessary to respond to these right when they come up, rather than having to find out by seeing the symptoms of an attack long after it’s begun.
Reduced Downtime And Losses
With the ability to see these threats and pivot accordingly comes the realization that some threats require significant time to resolve. However, by employing a tool that aids you in identifying and responding to risks much more quickly, you’re also minimizing downtime. When possible, you’ll be completely avoiding said downtime, as you’ll have avoided the effects of an attack altogether. However, even in the event of a true breach, or even data loss, you can rest assured that endpoint protection reduces the actual downtime that results from these attacks, as well as the losses you’ll encounter. Whether it’s the quickness of responses or the ability to remediate just as quickly with data recovery and the like, every business knows the value of reduced downtime and of reduced security-related losses.
Protection On Various Endpoints
The scope of your protection is often limited to where you place your protections in the first place: if you install a firewall on your home network, that’s where it’ll stay, and it only protects that which constitutes your home network. However, with endpoint protection platforms, the digital nature of the tool makes it easier than ever to protect various endpoints, various devices, all at once. This proves highly desirable when you consider how many people now work in mobile conditions, work from home, or simply connect multiple devices or users into a digital setting. You want protection wherever you go — and having this type of all-encompassing protection is a great way to achieve exactly that.
Additional Insight Into Existing Security Risks
Past the ability to flag activities on your endpoints and to have a holistic view of these, you also need to be able to apply additional insight to certain circumstances, such as knowledge of external trends, which helps to inform you of how certain cyberattacks behave. This knowledge is known as threat intelligence, and it comes in many forms: some is external, and some is internally sourced as well. This additional insight can sometimes even be compounded by AI analysis, aiding you in assigning context and meaning to certain trends and behaviors more quickly than you could analyze on your own.
Automation Of Attack Responses
There’s something reassuring in knowing that your installed software will automatically act to protect you against any threat. This is definitely the case with EPPs, which are designed to identify and respond to threats on their own. In addition to the built-in responses to certain determined threats, there’s also the ability for you to determine what the tool does in response to other specific risk-related stimuli — letting you capitalize on the best possible uses for automated protection.
Significant Return On Investment
Avoiding numerous attacks over whatever timeline and avoiding having to deal with the downtime associated with such attacks is one easy way of quantifying the ROI of using endpoint protection. Additionally, having one person dedicate their time to the use of this tool is far more cost-efficient in many cases than having to hire multiple IT security teammates that must operate various lower-grade protection tools and analyze their own insights on the risky behaviors that exist in your network. Whatever situation you’re in, evaluating the ROI that would come from having an EPP tool may be one of the most compelling reasons to get one today.
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