So far, 2020 has shown us that working from home is not as far-fetched as companies once thought. For digital marketing, the industry not only relies on online practices but also on face-to-face connections. Digital marketers have to meet with clients, give large presentations, and collaborate with other employees. Let’s explore how digital marketing firms are empowering others to work from home and dive into some best practices on how to stay productive:
1. Create a Dedicated Workspace
There needs to be a distance between your home and work life — even if the two are the same. By creating separation, you’ll be more productive during work hours and relaxed when you’re off the clock. Mixing these two elements can lead to additional stress or a poor work ethic because the lines between work and home become blurred.
If you’re in a small apartment or condo, you may need to get creative. Try finding ways to incorporate a work desk into your space rather than using the kitchen table. This will help ensure you’re keeping that distance between your on- and off-the-clock hours. If you have roommates, a significant other, or children at home, make sure they understand that when you’re at your desk, you’re working. That space needs to be quiet and respectful just as it would be at the office.
2. Set Boundaries
Ensure you have a schedule you can adhere to. If your company is strict about your hours, be sure to work within them so you don’t lose trust within your organization. If you’re offered a bit more flexibility, build out a schedule that optimizes your most productive times. Don’t forget to incorporate breaks and time to eat. You shouldn’t be sitting at your computer for eight to 10 hours without moving.
As noted above, boundaries are also important if you’re living with other people. Set firm ground rules to help establish how life in your work area should be conducted during workdays. A little respect and upfront communication can go a long way when everyone’s cooped up together.
3. Be Determined
Anyone who’s worked from home knows it can be pretty easy to get distracted or waste time. However, it’s essential to continue to produce results, which means you have to be determined when you’re at work. If you show strong initiative and drive projects from the comfort of your home, your managers will be reassured that this setup is one you can continue once the offices open back up to full capacity.
Even if you eventually head back to a traditional office, you’ll want to showcase how well you did when you were working from home. Keep track of your successes during this time and document the positive results you’ve produced for your company. This will come in handy in the future, whether you’re negotiating a salary increase or seeking further flexibility with your hours or office situation.
4. Limit Distractions
Your home office should be treated as your traditional office space. If you wouldn’t have the TV on at work, you shouldn’t at home. Hold yourself accountable for your work and set daily goals to ensure that you’re meeting your requirements. Being focused on work is the only way to truly make sure you’re making positive progress. Your objectives should be SMART. That is, specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based.
5. Take Frequent Breaks
Stand up and stretch your legs at least once an hour and be sure to stay hydrated. If you do nothing but stare at a computer screen all day, you can lose focus and become less productive. It would be best if you also considered doing easy exercises in your home office. This will get the blood moving and give your eyes a rest from the screen while giving you a bit more energy to power through the day.
Digital marketers have many tasks to juggle, so it’s important to stay motivated and productive during this hectic time. Between meetings, analyses, and creative content brainstorming sessions, you have to find a way to make it all work. These tips should help you along your path towards becoming a successful digital marketer while working from home.
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