If your business’ growth relies on a functional, responsive website, you should take hosting seriously. Get the wrong web hosting, and you’re in danger. Knowing the meaning of these terms will not only save your business, but help you understand how websites work. Website hosting companies have no time to explain these to you. Read about 10 critical website words for your company.
Domain server (DNS)
IP addresses reflect the internet. Yeah, certain numbers with midpoints. They ‘re annoying. Imagine clicking the number when we need to access a website? That’ll be hell. Domain name server is the hero to thank for eliminating all these numbers and making them available in easy-to – remember alphabets. So, the name server turns it into the numbers as you type in the website address to help us find the location we ‘re searching for.
SSL Certificate
SSL Certificate is your website’s security hallmark. Every day, thousands of users visit the website for various reasons. When enabled, the SSL guarantees that all links to the website are safe and no other party or hacker is eavesdropping. Hosting platforms like Just Host provide SSL certification programs to protect their clients, which is why a big name web hosting company is better. SSL certificate has strong security features including authentication, padlocking, and encryption to secure personal information, improve customer satisfaction, and maintain trustworthiness.
The cPanel, also known as the control panel, is like your personal computer’s control panel. It offers all the resources needed to make improvements to your website and make it work as you wish. Use the control panel to upload files, pictures and codes to your website. You can check your storage space to make sure you don’t run out of space. You can also redirect settings, manage email accounts, view logs, and set up additional security.
Sitemap is a website management tool to direct search engines around the pages. Search engines regularly check websites for new content to index it. Search engine bots can’t find your content in the vast desert that’s your domain. Sitemap’s function is to promote material adjustment and categorization and help you explore quicker. For SEO, a sitemap is important because the faster and easier you find new content on your site, the better your search engine results ranking.
URL or Universe Resource Locator
The URL is simply the domain address you text or press to get your users to your page, e.g. www.your websiteaddress.com. For fast cataloging and browsing, each article, link or picture on your website has its own URL, an extension of the main URL. Your URL is really critical because your address guides guests or consumers to your website. No website, page or post has the same URL.
Domain Name
Domain name is what people usually call website address. It’s a combination or name your business , brand, or product, and extension. A special, easy-to-remember domain name is important for proper branding and SEO. Your domain name sets your company’s reputation, saves time and resources, and makes you important. Domain name extension can be used to categorize your corporation e.g. ,.org as an NGO,.com as a company,.edu as an educational organization, etc.
A server is a computer that houses your website content and delivers it to people by clicking on your website. In web hosting, servers are critical to overall service and user experience. That is because when people click on your button, the server sends them the requested url using the HTTP or Hypertext Transfer Protocol. There are essentially two types of servers, namely Linux servers and Windows servers, named after their operating systems.
Shared Hosting
Shared hosting is a form of hosting that includes hosting multiple accounts on one server hard drive. Many people use shared hosting because it’s the cheapest website, forums, etc. If your business attracts many visitors and runs heavy video files, you may want to avoid shared hosting and select other forms of hosting to avoid disappointment, the Hosting Wiki experts will provide more information on this issue. Even if you sign up for shared hosting, your hosting company can upgrade to a higher hosting service to meet your needs.
Content Management System (CMS)
A website can be designed and operated several ways. One of the most popular methods is a content management system. CMS is user-friendly, and you can make certain improvements without employing a developer. CMS is also very useful for scheduling, information control, system processing and content exchange. Using a CMS, a website owner can upload images, photos , documents, blog posts, and other material without an professional or developer. CMS promotes simplicity, allows multiple users, improves content management and gives the user complete control. Two of today’s most successful CMS websites, Joomla and WordPress.
Dedicated hosting
Hosting your website on a dedicated server means you have a full server. A dedicated server does not restrict what you can do. To boost your business, you can install can applications and plugins. Dedicated server means a specific IP address that improves performance, accessibility and security.
Web hosting terms are easily understood. As a business owner, it is essential that you know all the items on this list, even if you are hiring a website hosting expert on your behalf.